Don’t Skip Your Next Oil Change

You just looked up at that little sticker on your car windshield and noticed you’re getting close to needing your next oil and filter change. You may be wondering if it’s really necessary to have the oil changed that frequently. Don’t skip your next oil change. In this blog post, I’ll talk about why oil changes are important and how often you should have the oil and filter changed in your vehicle.

As you use your vehicle, its engine components are exposed to high temperatures and a lot of wear and tear from friction. The motor oil is meant to lubricate the engine parts and reduce the friction so your car runs more efficiently and reduces gas consumption.

Regular oil changes are all about preventive maintenance. When you skip that oil change, the engine oil thickens and loses its ability to properly lubricate and protect your engine. By adding to the wear and tear on the engine, you’ll begin to experience more unexpected engine repairs. That means you will be spending a lot more on auto repair than you would on regular oil and filter changes.

The interval for oil changes depends on the type of vehicle you are driving, the oil that’s used, and the way you drive it. If you’re not sure how often you should have your oil and filter changed, check with your Shade Tree Garage Technician or Service Advisor.

Click here to schedule your next oil change with Shade Tree Garage in Morristown, New Jersey.

photo credit: Oil-Filter via photopin (license)